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Build a Survival Bag like the Experts

Survival Bag

Surviving in a wilderness environment requires human wit as well as essential survival gear. Many argue that a person’s wit is more important for survival than the survival gear itself. But even if that were true, it’s still important to build a survival bag that includes all of the most essential survival supplies. Building a survival bag with the right gear could possibly save your life.

So exactly what would the experts have you include in your survival kit? Speaking in generalities, the essential elements would include food, water, shelter, first aid supplies, and survival tools. The following are recommendations from survival experts that could help you build your own emergency kit.

However, it should be noted that there are many variables when building an emergency survival kit. Your location, how much you can comfortably carry, the distance you plan on hiking or traveling, as well as other factors, should all be considered when determining what to pack into your bug out bag.

Mini Survival Kits – The Minimalist Approach

In some situations it may not be possible to carry a full-sized survival backpack. If this were the case, you could go with a mini survival kit that contains just the bare essentials. Normally, these would include bandages, gauze strips, waterproof matches, fire starters, foldable knife, cash, water purification tablets, fishing line, hooks, and sinkers, rescue mirror, compass, emergency whistle, and so on.

The SOL Pocket Survival Pak can help injured or lost survivalists start a fire, boil water, catch fish, trap small animals, signal planes or helicopters, perform first aid, and so on. It contains many essential first aid supplies and survival tools. It only weighs 4 ounces and is the size of a wallet. SOL Pocket Survival Pak: << Check Prices on Amazon >>

Pocket Survival Pak

What Should You Pack in Your Survival Bag?

The first job of a survival pack is to keep you alive. Although the following rules are not set in stone, they are good to know. You can die within 3 hours if you’re exposed to severe weather. You can die of thirst after three days without water. You can die of starvation after 3 weeks with no food. This tells us we need food, water, and protection from the elements to stay alive in a bad situation. Another item that should be stressed when making your list of bug out bag essentials is “rescue.” If you’re lost or injured, what survival gear can increase your chances of being rescued?

Survival Gear Essentials

Food and water should always be high on your list of bug out gear. Depending on how long you plan on being in the wilderness, you may be able to carry all the survival food and water you need. There are many good survival food kits available. But if you plan on spending more than a few days in the back country, you’ll need to purify water and catch your own food.

Water filtration can come in many forms. Pump filters, squeeze filters, water bottle filters, gravity filters, and water filtration tablets are the most common methods for producing clean drinking water.

If you are in an area where you can fish, you’ll need a few basic supplies like fishing line, hooks, and weights. A pole can be made from wood, assuming you have a good survival knife. Bait should also be included in your bug out kit. You may be able to catch bait in the form of grasshoppers, crickets, or frogs, but having bait in your bug out backpack is always a good idea.

Having the know-how and gear to trap small animals or birds can really come in handy if you’re short on food. The SOL Pocket Survival Pak mentioned above, has some basic tools for this. Click the following link to learn how to build the best survival traps.

Essential Survival Tools

A high quality, full tang survival knife is a very important tool to include in your survival bag. There are an unlimited number of uses for a good knife. Cutting branches, producing kindling for fires, self protection, making a fishing pole, and cleaning fish are just a few ways knives can be used.

A waterproof tactical flashlight with rechargeable batteries is another survival must-have item. You should also include a portable solar power pack in your survival kit, to recharge your flashlight batteries, cell phone, or other items that may need recharging.

Protection from the Elements

There are three basic ways to be protected from the elements. When the weather gets cold, you’ll want to be able to start a fire. Waterproof matches, that are also wind-resistant, belong in your bug out bag. The matches should be waterproof, light easily, burn for about 15 seconds, and also be wind resistant. Waterproof matches: << Check Prices on Amazon >>

Protecting yourself from inclement weather, such as snow, rain, wind, or sun, is easily achieved with a good tarp shelter. The Snugpak All Weather Shelter is lightweight and versatile. It can be setup as a lean-to, free-standing shelter, or attached to trees with paracord. Snugpak All Weather Shelter: << Check Prices on Amazon >>

Appropriate survival clothing can also protect you from the environment. Good sturdy boots or shoes, warm clothing and underwear, gloves, hats, sunglasses, and bandanas are all items that can keep you comfortable. It’s also a good idea to bring extra clothing in case the clothes you’re wearing get wet.

Rescue Tools

If you’re planning on spending a lot of time in the wilderness, a personal locator beacon is a good investment. Getting lost is something nobody plans on, but when it happens, it can turn into a life or death situation very quickly. ACR Electronics offers a GPS Personal Locator Beacon that’s rather expensive, but is well worth the price. Having a mobile phone is a must-have communication device in emergency situations. But if you can’t get reception, you’ll be glad you have a PLB. Personal Locator Beacon: << Check Prices on Amazon >>

Personal Locator Beacon

Other items that can help you in a rescue situation include a local map and compass. Not getting lost in the first place is the best way to avoid having to be rescued. A simple mirror used as a reflective device is another tool that can alert others to your location.

Lastly, if all you have is your cell phone, and the battery runs down, you will no longer be able to communicate with anyone. This is why it’s a good idea to add a portable solar charger to your survival bag in addition to any cable and adapter necessary for recharging your phone. Good portable power chargers also have built in flashlights, and multiple ways to connect to various devices. Portable Solar Charger: << Check Prices on Amazon >>

Wrapping Things Up

There are other survival gear items that may belong in your survival bag. We only covered the most important. The items I’ve listed will help keep you alive, protect you from inclement weather, and aid you when you get lost or injured. But by all means, if you’ve got more room in your survival bag, and you’re strong enough to carry the extra weight, add whatever extra items are most important for you.

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Survival Emergency Bag

Matt Walker

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